5 Easy Ways Lower Your Monthly Cable Bill (In Under 30 Minutes!)

Access to the Internet has seemed to become a basic requirement in today’s world. From catching up on the latest shows to getting work done to staying connected to family and friends across the globe, the Internet helps keeps things moving. 

But often, that access can come at a price. 

Among your monthly bills like rent, gas, utilities, you may also get a bill for your Internet provider. While you can’t imagine not having Internet, that monthly bill may make you question the amount of your usage. 

Depending on the coverage, features and bundle you get from your provider, that monthly bill may just be a pretty sizable portion of your expenses. 

Before you take out your scissors convincing yourself to cut your wireless or cable, consider how you might be able to save on your monthly bill. In fact, there are several ways you can reduce your bill by taking just a few easy steps. Check out these ways you can lower your cable bill right now. 

  1. Downgrade Plan and Swap for a Streaming ServiceWhen it comes to catching the latest shows and movies, you’ve got options. Consider reducing your cable plan to a more basic level with fewer channels. Fewer channels often means a lower price. Then, add on a streaming service like Hulu, Netflix, Amazon Prime or Disney+ to still get access to all the content you want.
  2. Negotiate  – As a valuable customer that pays a monthly bill, you may have some bargaining power. Try calling the customer service team with price comparisons to advocate for a lower price on your plan. If you’ve got a good argument and approach the conversation wisely, you may be able to persuade your way to a better price with their Customer Solutions department. In these types of conversations, it’s helpful to have a competitor’s price and plan ready to advocate why you should be receiving a better price in order for them to keep you as a customer.
  3. Get a Different Modem – Rather than settling for what your cable company provides in monthly modem equipment, get your own modem at a one-time price from Amazon or similar location and stop paying those monthly maintenance fees.
  4. Understand Your Bill – With so many bills coming our way every month, it can be easy to get lost in the fine print. To find out where you might be able to save some cash, be sure you understand what exactly your cable bill covers. Know each line item of the bill to know what you pay and why. If you have questions about something or are questioning why something is included, be sure to ask and find out.
  5. Consider Alternatives If You Can’t Lower Your Bill – With so many options for Internet and cable or streaming, you don’t have to settle for a company. Do your research for your unique situation and wants in an Internet provider and discover what options are best for you. It may lead you to making a switch or being confident with your loyalty with to the cable company. Either way, take the steps you need to in saving money on the resource that helps you stay connected to what matters.